Specific Learning Disabilities Identification & Child Find

Specific Learning Disability

Each local education agency and public school academy in Michigan is required to publicly post the process used to determine the existence of a Specific Learning Disability.

Consistent with this requirement, Brandon School District reports the following:

The local district process used to assess the student’s suspected underachievement is determination of a pattern of strengths and weaknesses §300.309(a)(2).

Child Find Process - Multi-Tiered System of Support

When a student is experiencing difficulty in school, it is necessary to identify the cause and provide appropriate intervention strategies as early as possible. In order to accurately assess the problem it is important to gather as much data as possible and seek input from individuals with knowledge about the student before making a determination to implement a particular program or strategy. Each school will utilize the MTSS team information to review all available data and make recommendations. Program decisions will be made after allowing adequate time to evaluate the effectiveness of intervention strategies. The building principal will oversee the final decision process.