REMINDER - Ice Cream Social & Hungry Howies Fundraisers

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Band Boosters,

A big THANK YOU to all that have signed up to volunteer for the Ice Cream Social on Tuesday, May 2, 2017!  To those who have not had the opportunity, please consider volunteering.  We need second shift help for Topping Servers and 50/50 raffle sales. Copy and paste the link below in your web browser to sign Up.

Remember to order a Pizza Dinner during the Ice Cream Social and support the Brandon Bands from from Hungry Howies, 280 N Ortonville Rd, Ortonville, near Bueches (248) 627-5255, 4:00pm to 9:00pm.  Mention the Brandon Bands and 10% of your purchase will go to the Brandon Band Boosters.  

GO BAND!!!!  It's going to be a great night for MUSIC!!

Michael J. Donnellon, President
Brandon Band Boosters
(248) 625-2163 Home
(248) 343-6290 Mobile
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