Harvey-Swanson News

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Hello Harvey-Swanson families,

I hope everyone had a good start to week two of distance learning.  Our staff has been working hard to keep students and families connected while working through the things that need to be tweaked in order to help our students be successful.  We continue to be very thankful for your patience and support during this time.

Specials information:

You may notice that starting this week you will receive one document including all of the Zoom links and anytime learning links for the specials classes.  We hope this makes participating easier for everyone.

The Pledge of Allegiance:

This week teachers and their families will lead us in the pledge each morning.  We’d love for you to lead us starting next week.  Just email me a voice recording of your family reciting the pledge.  Be sure to say your names in your recording. 

Morning announcements:

The 8:15 AM FB Live announcements are directly linked to Parent Resources under Quick Links on our HSE school homepage.  You can access them there, if you’d like.

Guidelines and expectations for student success during distance learning:

In order to keep track of student participation and to ensure to our best ability that continuous learning is occurring, here are the guidelines all JK-5th grade staff will use during the distance learning time period.
  • Students will connect in real time at least twice a week through Zoom.  If a student can’t Zoom two times a week, teachers and parents will collaborate to determine a good alternative for connecting. 
  • Students will meet the minimum standard of no less than 60% of the anytime learning activities each week.   
  • Each classroom teacher will be communicating their weekly anytime learning expectations to parents.  
  • Students and families will receive weekly feedback on student progress in a format that will be communicated by each classroom teacher.
  • Specials teachers will not be assessing students during these nine weeks of distance learning, but will enjoy meeting with students each week, giving feedback, and providing anytime learning opportunities.

Have a great rest of the week everyone! 

Debbie Brauher
Harvey-Swanson Principal 

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