Harvey-Swanson News

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Good evening Harvey-Swanson families,

I hope everyone enjoyed another beautiful day.  I included the Week Six Distance Learning video in my last email and it seems it wasn’t linked correctly.  Let’s try again!  Please click here to enjoy reflecting on week six.  Keep sharing your pictures of our students learning at home.  I look forward to making our next video!  

We are still working through some of the specifics of our Pick up/Drop off Days, but following is a little information you may need now to help you plan.

The Schedule:  
  • Tuesday, June 9th   10:00 AM- 12:00 PM JK, 2nd, and 3rd grades
  • Tuesday, June 9th   1:00 - 3:00 PM  4th and 5th grades
  • Wednesday, June 10th  10:00 AM-12:00 PM Kindergarten and 1st grades
  • Wednesday, June 10th  1:00-3:00 PM Make up time 
  • Staff will be stationed outside along the bus lane with teachers’ names posted on signs.
  • Cars will pull up and staff will bring students' belongings to their car.  Library books or any other items that need to be returned to the teacher will be given to staff at that time. Everyone will stay in their cars.
  • Please write your student’s name on a large piece of paper to hold up for the staff member to see when you arrive (this will make the line move more smoothly).
  • Yearbooks, medications, and the raffle baskets will be picked up on these days as well.
  • ONLY these three grade levels will be returning their chrome books on this day:  JK, K, and 1st grade. 
Look for more specifics about Drop off/Pick up Days in my next e-blast.

Have a great rest of the week everyone.

Debbie Brauher
Harvey-Swanson Principal

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