HSE Office News

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The office newsletter is attached.  The office handouts include:
  • The Upcoming Events flyer that went home yesterday.
  • A letter from the Brandon Township Library.  They want to extend the invitation to have students that are 8 or older come to the library, with or without parents.
  • The rest of the handouts are about fun after-school offerings through our Community Education department.  
Finally, Oakland Schools and the Oakland Parent Engagement Network will be hosting a FREE learning event for parents of children PreK through 8th grade on Saturday, October 14, 2017. This parent event will help you meet the state legislative requirements for early literacy (reading) by providing parents a learning opportunity.
Link to flyer: https://www.smore.com/e305a

I hope to see many of you at the game tonight!

Andy Phillips
HSE Principal 
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