Dear Oakwood Families, The tragic events that occurred in our community this past Tuesday ended in profound loss for two of our Oakwood families. We are aware that many of our students might be going through various levels of grief, anxiety or other emotions that come with such traumatic events. When our children are grieved, we hurt and grieve along with them. It is our responsibility as a school community to hold them up, provide support, and comfort them as best we can. Today we will have district mental health professionals at Oakwood and will continue to as long as we perceive it to be necessary. If you suspect that your child may need some extra support in order to deal with the loss we are all feeling at this time, please contact your child’s teacher or me so that we can connect him or her with someone who is qualified to counsel them. In the coming days, if we hear of any specific ways our school family can reach out and help those who have sustained these devastating losses, we will let you know. For now, let’s just show them our small town big hearts and love them through. Coy Stewart and the entire Oakwood staff |