Oakwood Families, The repairs to the heating system are underway and we expect them to be finalized by tomorrow, Wednesday, March 13th. The district will have the final part installed, but will have to wait for the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to issue a license in order for the repairs to be complete and operational. In the meantime, the district has placed portable room heaters in each room and they have been running since this afternoon, Tuesday, March 12th. The heaters and warmer outdoor temperatures have raised Oakwood's interior temperatures significantly. While the rooms are comfortable, they are not quite to the usual levels. For this reason, I recommend that you dress your children in layers until the permanent fix is completed by the end of the day on Wednesday. Thank you for your patience as we have worked to resolve this issue and prepare the building for kids to return. I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow! Coy Stewart Oakwood Principal |