Dear OE families, I hope everyone is enjoying this unexpected, extra family time learning together. Last week, we sent a calendar with some optional learning activities for Wednesday through Friday. Here is this week’s optional learning opportunities document for the entire week. The document is the result of a collaborative effort from teachers at both elementary schools. We hope you find it helpful, and feel inspired by some of the suggestions. We also hope you are enjoying the activities and feel compelled to share your child’s work with his or her teacher and with me! We won’t know what comes after this week until this week’s events start to unfold. That’s the way this whole unfortunate turn of events has been. It is ever changing and quickly evolving, shaping what we do as we go. What we do know for sure is that next week, March 30th-April 3rd is Spring Break and we do not plan to send another calendar home. Enjoy your time off! If you have any questions or need anything at all, please don’t hesitate to email me. Here is the link to access the spreadsheet with learning opportunities for each grade level from our Kinderhawks to our 5th graders. Stay safe and healthy, and we hope to see you in person soon! Also, don’t forget to tune into Facebook Live each morning at 8:50 for our announcements, including the always popular student birthday shout outs! Coy Stewart Oakwood Principal |