News & Notes from BMS for November 19th, 2018
Spirit Day: Monday, November 19, 2018 Brandon Blue VolleyballToy Drive: This year the Brandon Middle school will once again participate in the Community Christmas Toy Drive. The toy drive will end on Wednesday, December 5th. The Seminar that donates the toys with the highest total value will win the Charity Trophy. Thank you for your support of our goal to provide for the children of Brandon School District. Internet Program: Please check out the link below from the Michigan Department Education about home internet options for economically disadvantaged families. Internet Program Breakfast With Santa: Brandon School District is welcoming families with newborn to seven year old students to come see why more local families are calling us home! There is an attached flyer with more details. 7th Grade Parents/Guardians: Currently we have 59 people signed up for our trip for next year. They are saving money by signing up early, so we have extended the early registration deadline for our 8th grade Washington D.C. Trip next year to November 30. There is still time to save money on this once in a life time trip and event for your son/daughter. There are 3 easy ways to sign up; 1. Use the Packet your son/daughter brought home two weeks ago and mail it. 2 Call 1-800-468-5899 and use Trip #169277 3. Or go online to DC Registration and register. Again use Trip # 169277 If you have any further thoughts or questions, contact our Program Director, Steve Hendershott 248-627-1830 ext. 1349 *November 21-23 NO School: Thanksgiving Recess *November 26 School Resumes Have a great day and GO BLACKHAWKS!! Michael Tucker Principal |