BMS News & Notes

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News & Notes from BMS for January 7th, 2019

Spirit Day: Thursday, January 10:  Winter Hat/Scarf Day must wear at least one item

DC Trip: Parents of 7th graders. It’s not too late to sign your student up for the 8th Grade Washington DC trip scheduled for next October 16-21 of 2019.  Currently we have 76 people signed up and we are looking for a few more.  This five day four night trip to Jamestown, Williamsburg, Monticello, Washington D.C. and Philadelphia will open your student’s eyes to their 8th grade US History Class as well as prepare themselves for high school.
There are two easy ways you can register, 1-800-468-5899 and use trip number 169277  OR 2. go to and again use trip number 169277 to have your student  join the list of students who will be participating in this once in a lifetime adventure and learning experience.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact our Program Director, Steve Hendershott at 248-627-1830 ext 1349 or
Have a great week and GO BLACKHAWKS!!
Michael Tucker

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