BMS News & Notes

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News & Notes from BMS for October 15th, 2020
Yearbook Information: Yearbooks are available to purchase for $37 + tax. The price increases as the year progresses. Jostens also offers interest-free payments spread across three months. BMS Yearbooks will include both in-person and learn from home students. Students and families will have the opportunity to submit photos this year for consideration in the yearbook. This year looks and feels very different, but we definitely want to celebrate our middle school students' school year in a positive way! Read more information here.
Counseling: Ms. Wilk, our new school counselor, is visiting 7th and 8th grade science classes to do introductions and offer students a chance to sign up for grade level Remind groups. Remind allows mass communications to go out regarding important reminders or general student services information. Remind requires that students under 13 provide a parent email or phone number. If your child has opted in, you may receive correspondence from Remind. If you wish to opt your child out, please contact Ms. Wilk at

Candy: With Halloween being right around the corner this is a reminder that no food is be eaten in the hallways. We have several students and staff that have airborne allergies especially with nuts and treenut. Please remind your student of our food procedures.
Attention 8th Grade Parents:  Time is running out if you want your student to attend our Washington DC trip which is scheduled for May 5-10, 2021.  
There are two easy ways to register:
1. (use trip #182910)
2. call 1-800 468-5899 and again, use trip number 182910

7th Grade Parents: Your student will come home with information about their 8th Grade Washington DC trip scheduled for October 20-25, 2021 on November 16th.  There will be a parent meeting on November 18, 2020 in the MS Kiva (Upstairs Large Group Assembly Room) at 7:00 PM.  If you cannot attend that, there will be a Zoom session at 7:00 on November 19. Link coming home on November 16th.

Wrestling: Anyone interested in joining the Wrestling Team, we are still looking for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders interested in joining the wrestling team, please sign up in the Student Services Office.  The season is currently "Postponed" until the Flint Metro League gets further guidance from the MHSAA on the season.  But if you sign up we can contact you with all of the current information as we move forward.  Any Questions, contact Mr. Hendershott or the Brandon Athletic Office.

Mask Breaks: Please remind your student that cell phones are supposed to be in their lockers until lunchtime. We are having many of our students use their phones during mask breaks. Mask breaks are still considered class time.
Winter Weather: Teachers are bringing their students outside for mask breaks. We will follow the same recess rules as Harvey-Swanson and Oakwood. Your student does not have to go outside. However, if they chose to go outside please remind them to dress appropriately.
Cell Phones: Please remind your student that cell phones are supposed to be put in their lockers at the beginning of school.
Safe for School: This telephone screening resource is available to assist parents pre-screen and identify potential illness in children prior to entering school. All screenings are conducted by healthcare professionals through Beaumont Hospital. The attached flyer has more details.
Have a great extended weekend and GO BLACKHAWKS!!
Michael Tucker
Brandon Middle School
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