BMS News & Notes

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BMS News & Notes

Spirit Days: Thursday, October 28:  U of M/MSU Day

Halloween Costume Guidelines:
  • If you’d like to wear a costume, come to school with it on. That includes any accessories, make-up, and hair dye.
  • Your costume should follow dress code.
  • No fake blood, gory or violent costumes, or look-a-like weapons of any kind.
  • No full face masks are allowed.

Never Quit Challenge: The Oakland County Sheriff's Office Training Unit is hosting a tribute workout dedicated to Deputy Eric Overall on November 20, 2021. The work out will take place at Brandon Fletcher Middle School (300 South St., Ortonville, MI) at 9:00 am. Team or individual workouts are encouraged. Join us in honoring our fallen brother.

Volleyball: 7th and 8th grade volleyball tryouts & practices will begin on Monday October 25th-28th, 2:45-5:00pm in the MS Gym.  The 7th grade will be coached by Mrs. Keri Leslie and the
8th grade will be coached by Mrs. Cheryl Romine.

Wrestling: Any 6th, 7th or 8th grader interested in wrestling, practices will begin on Monday October 25th-28th, 2:45-5:00pm in the MS Cafeteria. The wrestling team will be coached by Mr. Peter Nicaj.

**In order to tryout or participate in any practice, all parents & students must complete FinalForms online registration and have an updated physical on file in the athletic office (or in the athlete’s FinalForms file).**

Information and instructions on how to register in Final Forms can be found on the athletic website,
If your child already played a fall sport, please make sure they are registered in Final Forms for a Winter or Spring sport before attending practice.

As always, if you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact the athletic office, 248-627-1827.

*Friday, October 29th Half Day Dismissal at 10:40*


Mike Tucker

Brandon Middle School
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