Dear BMS Families, May is always a busy month. We have 7th Grade M-Step starting this week. We know it is important to eat a healthy breakfast and lunch every day, but it is especially needed during this testing period. We have several items that we will be collecting throughout the month of May. Starting on Monday, May 9th please send in any used books you would like to donate. We are having a district wide book drive to help support reading over the summer, and will accept books for all ages. Also, on May 27th we are having a building wide celebration and will offer a community service component where students can make fleece blankets for Children’s Hospital. We are in need of fleece measuring 1 1/3 yards. Please drop it off in the main office. Coming up will be a food drive for OCEF. Look for what supplies we are collecting in next week’s e-blast. Monday:
The BMS PTO is accepting nominations for next year's board. Positions include: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Public Relations Secretary. If you would like to nominate someone or yourself, please send an email to Katherine Stewart: or a nomination box will be in the BMS Student Services Office. Voting will take place on May 19, 2016 at 3:00. PTO would like to thank all who purchased flowers on Thursday, May 5th for the Wojo's Fundraiser. Please mark you calendars for the second Wojo's Fundraiser on May 25th. PTO is looking for volunteers for Phase II of the BMS beautification project. Contact Katherine Stewart. Attached is a letter for all choir parents regarding the concert date for this month. Tina Chambers Principal |