Brandon e-News Update

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News & Notes From BMS for the Week of December 19th, 2016
Spirit Days: Monday, December 19: Christmas PJ's, Tuesday, December 20: Holiday Hat/Socks, Wednesday, December 21: Ugly Christmas Sweater Day
Water Bottle Refill Stations: The BMS Parent Group is installing two water bottle refill stations. Please see the attached flyer for details.
School Closings:  Please see the attached document from Dr. Outlaw. This document gives you information to help guide you if the Brandon School District was to ever close school for any reason.
Perfect Attendance:  BMS had 50 students with perfect attendance the first marking period.  Thank you to Hungry Howie’s who gave each student a free small one topping pizza to reward them for their efforts. This pizza incentive is for each marking period and their attendance resets each marking for this incentive program. Students can win multiple times during the school year

Building Times: The doors to the middle school are open at 7:05 AM every morning. We do not open the doors earlier because there is not enough adult supervision to monitor the students at that time. Please be mindful of this as the weather has now gotten colder. I appreciate your cooperation with this moving forward.

Mini Golf: The Brandon Township Public Library is offering mini golf during the month of January. Please see the attached flyer for more details.

Winter Break: Winter Break this year will start on December 22, 2016 and end on January 2, 2017. School resumes on Tuesday, January 3, 2017.  
Have a great day and GO BLACKHAWKS!!
Michael Tucker

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