Brandon e-News Update

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News & Notes from BMS for the Week of March 13th, 2017
Spirit Days: Tuesday, March 14th, Team up with a Good Book day (wear a sports team shirt), Friday, March 17th Green & Orange day.
Half Day: Friday, March 17th is a half day of school with a dismissal time of 10:55 a.m.
Kroger Rewards: Please remember to renew your Kroger Rewards card. You can go online or to the store directly to renew you card. Please call Deb Haney at BMS if you have any questions. Our phone number is 248-627-1300.
Fidget Toys: This is a reminder that toys of any nature are not allowed at BMS. We have seen several students bringing fidget toys to BMS. This has caused multiple distractions in class. The only exceptions to this rule are if your student has an IEP or a 504 that directly mentions these types of objects. Please contact me if you have any questions.
Kindergarten & Preschool Roundup: Please see the attached flyer about Brandon School District’s Preschool & Kindergarten Roundup.
BHS Musical: All of BMS is going over to Brandon High School on Friday, March 17th to see the musical Obsession. This is the story of Frankenstein put to music.
Have a great day and GO BLACKHAWKS!!
Michael Tucker

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