BMS News & Notes

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News & Notes from BMS for September 1st, 2017
Spirit Day: Monday, September 11th:  Red, White, & Blue Day - Observance of 9/11, Tuesday, September 12:  Brandon Blue - Cross Country
6th Grade Camp Copneconic: On October 26 & 27 our 6th-grade students will be going to Camp Copneconic in Fenton, MI.  This is an overnight experience and two full days of educational fun including the Tree Tops (High Ropes) challenge and the Creak Freak zip-line.  Your 6th-grade student should have brought the packet home with them the first week of school, but if not, there is a copy attached to this email.  If you are interested in chaperoning, please send the Volunteer Criminal Record Check form in before September 29th.  All remaining forms and money are due October 12.  On Tuesday, September 26th at 6:30 pm we will be holding a Parent Meeting in the BMS cafeteria.  A representative from Camp Copneconic will be here to talk to you about what you and your child can expect throughout their camp experience.  If you have any questions or there is a financial need, please contact our Secretary, Tawn Hill at 248-627-1830. 
Barn Bash: Please see the attached flyer for a fun family activity that is put on by our Oakland County Parks.
Free Tutoring: Starting on September 19th, on Tuesdays and Thursday there will be free tutoring here at BMS. National Honor Students from Brandon High School will be available in our Media Center from 2:30-3:30. This is a great opportunity. If you take advantage of this opportunity please make arrangements to have your student promptly picked by 3:30.
If you have any questions about the above stated items please contact our main office at 248-627-1800.
Have a great day and GO BLACKHAWKS!!
Michael Tucker

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