Brandon e-News Update

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Brandon High School News and Notes for the Week of June 17, 2019
Brandon High School:  Due to the renovations that will be taking place over the summer, Brandon High School will be completely closed for most of the summer.  I will make communication with everyone once our office is able to open.   If you need to contact BHS at all over the summer, please call our Board Office at 248-627-1800.
Medications:  If your student has any medications on file at Brandon High School, you have until June 28th to come in and pick them up.
Registration:  Registration next year will take place for one day only on August 21st according to the following schedule:
8:00 – 10:00 (Seniors Only)
10:00 – 12:00 (Juniors and Seniors)
1:00 – 4:00 (Freshmen and Sophomores)
Summer Sports Camps:  If you are interested in any of our 2019 Summer sports camps, please click on our Sports Camp page for more information. 
Athletes:  Be prepared that the Fall athletic season starts the week of August 12th.  You must have an athletic physical on file before you can start practicing.  These physicals must be updated yearly.  Please see the Brandon Athletics Webpage for more information.
Robotics:  "The BHS robotics team, Truck Town Thunder, will be hosting a new student informational meeting at the Brandon Township Library Thursday June 27th at 7:00PM to 8:30 PM.  If parents or students cannot attend the meeting, but would like to learn more about how to join BHS robotics, please contact Gary Fenn via email at or" 
Summer Feeding Program:  The Brandon School district will be offering free breakfast and lunch all summer long for all people age 18 and under.  This will take place at both Brandon Middle School and the Sashabaw Meadows Community Center.  See the attached flyer for more details.
Summer School:  Is your student behind and credits and want to catch back up by attending summer school?  See the attached flyer for more information and dates.  See Nick Ejak for more information and details. He can be reached at
Upcoming Dates to Place on Your Calendar Now:
June 17th – Last Day of School
June 21st – Report Cards Mailed Home
August 5th – Band Camp Begins
August 12th – Spring Sports Begin
August 21st – Testing Out of All Subject Areas
August 21st – Registration Day for All Students
September 3rd – First Day of School

Have a Great Week and Go Blackhawks!
Your Partner in Education
Daniel M. Stevens

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