News and Notes From Brandon High School for the Week of September 14, 2020
Health Parent Agreement: If you did not sign and return the attached Parent Health Agreement form, please do so ASAP by turning it into your 1st or 4th hour teacher, or the main office. We appreciate your support in returning these quickly back to BHS. Counseling Office: Thank you so much for your patience as our counselors are getting though all of your scheduling requests, questions, and emails. Please be assured that they are diligently working though all of these and will get to yours soon. Breakfast and Lunch: Until December 1st, basic lunch and breakfast is free for all students. Please bring extra money for our ala carte line and to purchase extra food. We will still be doing meals for pick up for our online students as well. Please see the attached document for further details about ordering this food ahead of time. Attendance Line: if your student is ever going to be absent from school, please call the attendance line (248-627-1825) 24 hours a day to excuse their absence. If your student is sick, it would be appreciated if you describe their sickness including symptoms that they are experiencing. Chrome Books: Every student will be issued a chrome book this school year. For those face-to-face students that have not been issued one yet, they will receive it this Thursday and Friday during their 1st and 4th hour classes. Brandon Learn From Home students were already issued these last week. Back to School Night: *Change of Date* Back to School Night will be held virtually on Tuesday, September 22nd from 6:00 – 7:30. Please watch your email and our website for a list of links to attend your student’s teacher meetings. Standardized Testing: All Seniors will be taking the SAT test that was suspended last school year on Wednesday, September 23rd. Grades 9-11 will not have to physically report to school on this day, but will be responsible for asynchronous learning. Testing for current 9th grade studens will take place on October 13th, and testing for current sophomores and Juniors will take place on October 14th. Seniors SAT Preparation: Next week all seniors that are face-to-face at Brandon High School will be receiving an SAT Student Preparation Guide. This guide has practice tests, testing hints, and all sorts of good information to help prepare you for the SAT on September 23rd. It is highly recommended that seniors spend some time utilizing this guide and/or Khan Academy to prepare for this college entrance exam. Brandon Learn From Home students can pick up this guide at the ITEC Center located behind Brandon Middle School. Love and Logic: The Brandon Groveland Youth Assistance will be hosting a “Parenting the Love and Logic Way” on Tuesday, October 20th. See the attached flyer for more details. Dates to Place on Your Calendar Now: September 22nd – *New Date* Back to School Night (6:00 – Virtually) September 23rd – SAT Testing for 12th grade students September 23rd – No School for 9th – 11th grade students September 25th - *New Date* Picture Day October 13th & 14th – Parent Teacher Conferences October 13th – PSAT9 testing for all 9tjh grade students October 14th – PSAT/NMSQT testing for all 10th and 11th grade students October 14th – No school for 9th and 12th grade students October 16th – No School October 19th – Vision Testing for 9th grade students October 30th – ½ Day of school (release at 10:30) If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to one of our school administrators. Dan Stevens (Principal) – Dave Wyatt (Learn From Home Principal) – Chris Deines (Athletic Director) – Have a Great Week and Go Blackhawks!
Your Partner in Education Daniel M. Stevens Principal |