News and Notes for Brandon High School for the Week of November 2, 2020
This Week’s Schedule: Monday – “A” Day (Hours 1-3) Tuesday – No School Wednesday – “B” Day (Hours 4-6) Thursday – “A” Day (Hours 1-3) Friday – “B” Day (Hours 4-6) November Calendar: See our attached November calendar for which days will be “A” days and which days will be “B” days. COVID Flow Chart: Please see the attached COVID Flow Charts that should be used at home when determining whether or not you should be sending your student to school. These are the same flow charts we use in school as well. Mental Health Screening: As a part of the Governor's Return to School Roadmap, we will be conducting mental health screenings for all students, for students in person and Brandon Learn from Home, in the following week. This screening is a rating scale completed by your child’s teachers and will be reviewed by mental health professionals employed by the district. If there are concerns noted, parents will be notified and interventions and supports will developed. If you would like to opt out of this screening for your child, please notify Mr. Stevens in writing though email at Suicide Prevention: The Oakland County Suicide Prevention Task Force will be offering a prevention training for all that are interested on November 12th. Please join us for this very important event by seeing the flyer for more details. Bowling: The bowling team is starting competitions soon and we would love to have your son or daughter as part of the team. Please see the attached flyer for more details. Advanced Placement Testing: The deadline to order AP exams is right around the corner! Registration forms will be going out next week. If your student is taking an AP class, please be aware of the following: · AP exam fee collections will take place between Nov 4th and Nov 11th. · All students must make the Exam selection on their MyAP Classroom account by November 6th. Please encourage them to do that now and not wait until the last minute. · Exam fees are $94 each (fee waivers are available to those who qualify which drop the price to $5) · Students are expected to pay the fee up front (students or parents should speak to Mr. Brennan if they are experiencing a financial hardship - BHS can help) · This year, there is no fee to cancel later - you will get a full refund · There is a fee to add a test later, so students are advised to opt in now and keep the option to opt out later. ASVAB Testing: Brandon will be hosting the ASVAB test on November 5th. This few hours in the AM can be eye-opening for any student who is doing some exploration of possible future careers! * The ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) tests students across a number of fields and results will tell the students in which career areas they have strengths. Part two of the ASVAB Career Exploration Program (on 11/12) helps students assess their interest areas and then puts together job suggestions that combine their skills and interests. * As the name suggests, this test is also used for military entrance purposes, and any student considering a career in the military should sign up to take the ASVAB to see how they do and what jobs may open up to them based on their scores. * Sign up in the counseling office or by contacting Jodi Williamson at There is no fee. Dates to Place on Your Calendar Now: November 3rd – Election Day, No School for All Students November 5th – ASVAB Testing November 10th – Picture Retakes November 13th – End of Marking Period #1 November 20th – Report Cards Sent Home November 25th – 29th – Thanksgiving Break If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to one of our school administrators. Dan Stevens (BHS Principal) – Dave Wyatt (BLFH Principal) – Chris Deines (Athletic Director) – Have a Great Week and Go Blackhawks!
Your Partner in Education Daniel M. Stevens Principal |