BHS News and Notes

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News and Notes for Brandon High School for the Week of March 22, 2021

This Week’s Schedule:
Monday – “A” Day (Hours 1-3)
Tuesday – “B” Day (Hours 4-6)
Wednesday – “A” Day (Hours 1-3)
Thursday – “B” Day (Hours 4-6)
Friday – “A” Day (Hours 1-3)
Upcoming Testing Schedule:  April is the month that we proctor all of the state and federal mandated standardized testing.  These tests are mandated, so please make sure that your students are in attendance on the days below.  This testing is both for Brandon Learn From Home students as well as those attending face-to-face. 
Tuesday, April 13th -  All freshmen and juniors will attend school on this day for PSAT 9 and SAT 11 testing.  Sophomores and seniors will do asynchronous learning from home on this day. The day will start at its normal time (7:20) and release when testing completes around 11:30 for freshmen and around 12:30 for juniors. Students are free to drive home, or get picked up once testing is complete.  If students are in need of bussing, they can stay at BHS until the regular release time of 1:50 and ride the bus home with middle school students.
Wednesday, April 14th – All sophomores and juniors will attend school on this day for PSAT 10 and Work Keys 11 testing.  Freshmen and seniors will do asynchronous learning from home on this day.  The day will start at its normal time (7:20) and release when testing completes around 11:30 for both groups of students. Students are free to drive home, or get picked up once testing is complete.  If students are in need of bussing, they can stay at BHS until the regular release time of 1:50 and ride the bus home with middle school students.
Tuesday, April 20th – All juniors will take MSTEP testing on this day.  All students in grades 9, 10, and 12 will have classes as normal (“A” Day – Hours 1-3).
End of Marking Period:  The end of the 3rd marking period is April 16th.  Spring Break would be a great time for students to get caught up with any missing work and/or to work on their credit recovery classes. 
English as a Second Language:  We ae now offering after school support and tutoring for all of our students who speak English as a second language.  Please see the attached flyer for more details. 
Suicide Prevention:  Please consider being a part of this virtual training to help prevent suicide in our community.  This training is open to all students, parents and community members.  Please see the attached flyer for more details and how to sign up for this event. 
Spring Sports:  Spring sports start this week!  All athletes must have a completed physical on file in the Athletic Office in order to practice or tryout for teams. Please see for more information. 
COVID-19 Update:  As other schools surrounding us start to shut down due to COVID outbreaks, we have been fortunate that the Brandon School District is one of the very few in the state to remain open for face-to-face instruction since the beginning of the school year.  This is a tribute to our students, staff and community.  In order for this to continue, please be cautious over Spring Break practicing all social distancing standards so that our students can come back stronger than ever on April 5th.  As always, if your student is showing any signs or symptoms of COVID, please let Brandon High School know and keep your student home. 
Dates to Place on Your Calendar Now:                    
March 26th – April 4th – Spring Break
April 5th – Return to School from Spring Break
April 13th – SAT (11th) and PSAT (9th) testing.  10th and 12th grade students stay home and do classes asynchronously. 
April 14th – Work Keys (11th) and PSAT (10th) testing 9th and 12th grade students stay home and do classes asynchronously.
April 16th – End of Marking Period 3      
April 20th – MSTEP testing for all Juniors
April 23rd – Report Cards Come Home
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to one of our school administrators.
Dan Stevens (BHS Principal) –
Dave Wyatt (BLFH Principal) –
Chris Deines (Athletic Director) –
Have a Great Spring Break and Go Blackhawks!
Your Partner in Education
Daniel M. Stevens
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