BHS News and Updates

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News and Notes for Brandon High School for the Week of June 6, 2016
Parents and Community Members:
Graduation:  Graduation will be this Sunday, June 12th starting at 2:00 at the Whiting Auditorium.  All people attending this ceremony will need a ticket to enter.  Congratulations to the class of 2016.
Exam Week Schedule:  Next week is the last week of school.  The schedule for this week is as follows:
Monday – Full Day of School
Tuesday – Half Day of School (10:35).  Exams for hours 1-2
Wednesday – Half Day of School (10:35). Exams for hours 3-4
Thursday – Half Day of School (10:35).  Exams for hour 5-6
Friday – No School
Medications:  If you have any medications at Brandon High School, please come and pick them up.  All medications that are here after June 29th will be disposed of.  These medications will not carry over to next year.
Science and Engineering Camp:  Is your student interested in taking enriching curriculum this summer?  Please see the attached flyer for an exciting opportunity to attend a summer science and engineering camp at Oakland University.
Sports Physicals Cancelled:  We apologize, but the sports physicals that were scheduled for June 8th have been cancelled.  Please contact the BHS Athletic Office if you have any questions.
Brandon Sports Camps:  Please check out the Brandon Sports Camps that will be happening throughout this summer by clicking HERE or by going to  Click on the Camp slide show on the middle of the page.
Harvey Fletcher Golf Outing:  Please consider getting a team and participating in the 2nd annual Harvey Fletcher Golf Outing which will be on June 25th.  Proceeds from this golf outing will go to support our students in the form of scholarships.   See the attached flyer for more details.
Have a great week and GO BLACKHAWKS!
Your Partner in Education,
Daniel M. Stevens

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