BHS News and Notes

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News and Notes From Brandon High School for the Week of August 29, 2016
I would like to personally welcome you to another great year at Brandon High School where meeting the educational needs of all students is our number one priority!  I am looking forward to a great year.  Please check your email weekly for this News and Notes update to receive current information regarding your student’s education. 
9th Grade Orientation:  Orientation for all 9th grade students will be this week, Tuesday, August 30th from 8:00 – 12:00.  Our amazing Link Crew cannot wait to meet you!  Please wear comfortable clothing and be ready for an exciting day!
Attendance:  The fewer absences your student has, the more successful they will be in school.  Please make sure that you are attempting to make all appointments, vacations, and other various activities around the school schedule.  However, in those times where your student is absent, please make sure that you are calling our attendance line to excuse them.  This line can be reached 24 hours a day at 248-627-1825.
Arriving at BHS:  Please take weather, heavy traffic, and other variables into consideration when dropping your student off at BHS in the morning.  Students are expected to be in their seats ready for class at 7:25 am each morning. 
Medications:  If your student will be taking any form of medication during the daytime at BHS, please make sure that you come in and fill out the proper forms as well as give us the medication that is to be administered.  These forms must be updated yearly.  Please be advised that no medications (including Tylenol, Ibuprofen, etc…) are allowed to be in the student’s possession at any time.
Parent Portal:  Did you know that you can check your student’s grades and attendance right on line.  Please save the following link to your favorites  If you need a name and password for this service, please contact Sue Duggan at 248-627-1866. 
Back to School Night:  Please join us for our annual Back to School / Curriculum Night which will be on Tuesday, September 13th starting at 6:00 sharp.  This night will give you an opportunity to meet your student’s teachers, and find out key information about your student’s classes for the upcoming year. 
Free and Reduced Lunch:  Does your student qualify to receive free or reduced lunch at Brandon High School?  Please call our Food Service Department for details at 248-627-1828.  Please be advised that you must fill out the paperwork and qualify each year to receive this service.
Upcoming Schedule:
August 30th……………….  9th Grade Orientation at BHS (8:00 – 12:00)
September 6th…………….  First Day of School
September 13th……………  Back to School / Curriculum Night (6:00)
September 30th……………  Half Day of School
Have a great school year and do not hesitate to give me a call or email if you have any concerns as we move forward together.  I can always be reached at 248-627-1822 or by email at  GO BLACKHAWKS!
Your Partner in Education,
Daniel M. Stevens

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