BHS News and Notes

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News and Notes for Brandon High School for the Week of December 5, 2016
Seniors:  Any families of seniors who are still working on completing the FAFSA for next year, consider signing up for the FAFSA Workshop being held at BHS on December 6th.  A Financial Aid Representative will be coming to help families file the FAFSA.  This is an interactive workshop where families will log in and complete the FAFSA on the spot.  Please bring all related financial documents (2015 taxes, SSN's, etc.) to the workshop.  It is recommended that a parent and the student each create an FSA ID prior to attending the workshop.  Please see the attached FAFSA worksheet and check off sheet for more information.  Reserve a spot now by clicking HERE.
Charity Week:  This year’s Charity Week will be from December 12th – 16th with all proceeds going to the Make a Wish Foundation.  Please see the attached documents if you are interested in contributing to this year’s event.  Thank you to the BHS Student Council for putting this amazing week together.
School Closings:  Please see the attached document from Dr. Outlaw that will give you all kinds of information to help guide you if the Brandon School District was to ever close school for any reason. 
Cold Weather:  With colder weather coming, please make sure that your students are dressed appropriately for both outside and inside our buildings.  Students should dress in layers as some classrooms are colder than others.  Students will not be allowed to wear their coats or bring blankets to class.
Breakfast With Santa:  Bring your little ones to have breakfast with Santa at Oakwood Elementary on December 10th from 9:00 – 10:30.  See that attached flyer for more details.
Athletics / Conditioning:  Is your student athlete interested in a speed, strength and conditioning program that is highly recommended by our coaches?  Please see the attached flyer and sign-up sheet for more information. 
Christmas Break:  Christmas Break this year will start on December 22nd and end on January 2nd.  Please enjoy yourselves and drive safely wherever you may be going. See you back at school on Tuesday, January 3rd.
Have a Great Week and GO BLACKHAWKS
Your Partner in Education,
Daniel M. Stevens
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