Parents of AP (Advanced Placement) students: Registration for all AP exams takes place Monday Feb 27th through Friday March 3rd, before and after school, and during lunches. Please encourage your student to consider taking these exams, in hopes of earning college credit. Passing scores are awarded college credit at almost all universities, resulting in savings of roughly $1,500 per course! Students should have received AP Exam Registration Forms from their AP teachers. Additional registration forms are available in the counseling office. Students need one registration form for each exam. Payment for multiple tests can be combined. Please have your student turn in payment (or proof of payment) with completed registration forms to the counseling office. The cost per AP exam is $93. Students who are enrolled in the Free or Reduced Lunch Program are eligible to pay a reduced fee of $33. AP exams occur on a strict schedule set by the College Board between Monday May 1st and Friday May 12th. There will not be an opportunity for make-ups for missed exams. |