BHS News and Notes

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News and Notes for Brandon High School for the Week of June 12, 2017
Medications:  Do you have medications on file at BHS?  Please make sure that you come and get them by June 23rd or they will be disposed of. 
Graduation:  Graduation on the Blackhawk Football Field was an overwhelming success.  If you would like to go back and see the live streamed version, please click HERE for your viewing pleasure.
Final Exams:  Final Exams are this week at Brandon High School with half days of school on Tuesday – Thursday and no school on Friday.  Good luck to all students.
Final Report Cards:  Final report cards for second semester will be mailed to your home on June 22nd.   If you have any questions regarding your student’s grade please email the individual teacher.
Registration Next Year:  All forms for next year will be completed online.  This can be done using the parent portal starting in July.  Your student brought home with them directions on how to access these forms last week.  If you run into trouble or need more information, please contact Sue Duggan at 248-627-1866.
Counseling Office:  The Counseling Office at Brandon High School will be closed from June 23rd – August 22nd.  Please complete all business that you will need through this office before June 23rd.
BHS School Hours:  Brandon High School will be closed from June 30th – July 23rd.  Summer hours in the main office only will be Monday – Thursday from 7:00 – 2:30.
Summer Strength and Conditioning:  We highly encourage our athletes to take part in the summer strength and conditioning program offered at BHS.  Please see the attached documents for more information. 
Dates for Next Year:
August 22nd………………. Registration for grades 10 and 12
August 22nd………………. Testing out for all classes
August 23rd……………….  Registration for grades 9 and 11
August 26th……………….  First football game at U of M Stadium
August 29th……………….  8th Grade Link Crew Orientation day
September 5th……………..First day of school
Have a Great Summer and GO BLACKHAWKS!
Your Partner in Education
Daniel M. Stevens
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