BHS News and Notes

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News and Notes for Brandon High School for the Week of January 25, 2016
Parents and Community Members:
Exam Week:  Your students will be taking their final exams Tuesday – Thursday of this week.  Please see the attached schedule for more details.  These days will also be a half day of school, with students being released at 10:35.
This Week’s Schedule:
Monday – Full Day of School
Tuesday – ½ Day of School (10:35)
Wednesday – ½ day of School (10:35)
Thursday – ½ Day of School (10:35)
Friday – No School for all Students
Cocoa and Cram:  Monday, January 25th will be our annual Cocoa and Cram session for all freshmen after school.  There will be upper classmen and teachers from all subject areas here to help you study for your final exams.  Hope to see you there!
Graduation:  Just a reminder that all additional requests for graduation tickets must be in writing to the principal AFTER April 18, 2016.  Requests before this date will not be considered. 
Football:  Please help me in welcoming our new Varsity Football Coach, Brad Zube.  Coach Zube is sure to be an amazing addition to Brandon High School athletics and we are excited for him to be a part of  the Blackhawk family.
Education Exploration:  Our annual Education Exploration Night is less than a month away.  New this year is that the Chamber of Commerce will be joining us on this night to do their Business Expo.  Please see the attached flyer for more information.  Don’t miss this exciting event.
Athletics:  Brandon Athletics would like to invite you to come out and see a game, match, meet, or competition this week.  Please see the attached schedule for details.
Have an amazing week!
Your Partner in Education,
Daniel M. Stevens

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