BHS News and Notes

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News and Notes for Brandon High School for the Week of August 14, 2017
Medications:  Please be aware that any and all medications (including over the counter medications such as Tylenol, Advil, etc.) must be kept in the main Brandon High School Office at all times during the school year.  If you have medication that your student may be taking while at school, please fill out the attached form and bring it into BHS with their medication. 
Registration Dates:  Registration at the high school will be on August 22nd for 10th and 12th grade students and on August 23rd for all 9th and 11th grade students.  At registration you will be able to receive your class schedule, get your locker assigned to you, purchase parking permits, get your yearbook picture taken, and buy this year’s yearbook at the lowest price.  Both days will run from 8:00 – 11:00 and from 12:00 – 3:00.  Call the main office if you have any questions.
Counseling Office:  Please be aware that our high school counselors are not back to work until August 22nd.  If you have questions or would like to set up an appointment you can contact Jodi Williamson, our Counseling Secretary at, or at 248-627-1820.
Yearbooks:  Please see the three attachments concerning yearbook purchases and senior picture information.  If you have any questions about this year’s yearbook, please contact Kristen Kelsey at
Important Registration News:  Registration will take place through the Parent Portal this school year for all students.  See the attached directions to walk you through the process.  Your student
will not be allowed to get their schedule or purchase a parking permit until this is completed.  Please call Sue Duggan at 248-627-1866 if you have any questions, or need your login name and password. 
School picture flyer coming via mail for Registration August 22 and 23:  Please watch for your personalized August Picture Day flyer from HR Imaging Partners regarding school portraits which have been mailed to your home. Do not throw this form away, even if you are not planning on making a portrait purchase.  The pre-printed envelope portion of the flyers is used as a camera cards for all students. All students should be photographed for the student id and school records regardless of whether or not you are purchasing a portrait package.  Sending this envelope with your student on picture day will expedite the process for your student. Please send the envelope with your student on picture day!  Keep in mind these photos will be used for the yearbook and school transcripts; be sure to dress according to school dress code requirements.
You may also prepay for school pictures online at  The mail home flyer will still be needed on picture day to be photographed.
Big House:  This year our first home football game will be played at the University of Michigan against Fenton.  This is an exciting event for our whole community!  Please see the attached flyer where you can purchase tickets, a commemorative shirt and transportation to the game. 
9th Grade Students - Please make sure that you put August 29th on your calendar now.  This day will be orientation day for all incoming 9th grade students.  We will meet in the main gymnasium at Brandon High School from 8:00 – 12:00.  See you then!
Upcoming Dates to Put on Your Calendar Now:
August 22nd………………Registration for grades 10 and 12
August 22nd………………Testing out for all classes
August 23rd……………….Registration for grades 9 and 11
August 26th……………….First football game at U of M Stadium
August 29th……………….9th Grade Link Crew Orientation day
September 5th……………..First day of school
September 12th……………College and Career Readiness Parent Presentation
September 12th……………Back to School / Curriculum Night

Have a great rest of your  summer and GO BLACKHAWKS!
Your Partner in Education
Daniel M. Stevens
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