BHS News and Notes

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News and Notes for Brandon High School for the Week of September 4, 2017
Welcome Back:  We are excited to start the 2017 – 2018 school year.  Please see my attached Welcome Back letter to all parents for more news and notes about the upcoming school year.
Juniors:  Once again this year Brandon High School will be administering the NMSQT / PSAT test for all Juniors on October 11th.  This test is not mandatory, but highly suggested.  Please see the attached letter and sign up form for more information.  The deadline to sign up is September 14th.
Online Parent Portal:  Every parent can monitor their student's grades and attendance through the online parent portal system.  If you need your name and password for this service please contact our enrollment office at 248-627-1866.  We encourage every parent to stay on top of your student’s progress.
Schedule Changes:  Please be advised that most schedule change request will not be granted.  Most classes at BHS are currently full.  If you have an extraordinary reason as to why your schedule should be changed, please make sure to fill out the change of class form in the Counseling Office. 
Bus Captains:  We are looking for some high school students that would like to be mentors to our 6th grade students on the bus rides to and from school.  If your student is interested, please have them see Mr. Wyatt this week at school.  Please see the attached letter for more detailed information.
Hockey:  Is anyone in your family interested in trying hockey, getting reduced rates on skates and equipment, and superior instruction on the basics?  Please see the attached flyers for more information
Adult Parenting Workshops:  Oakland Family Services is offering multiple parenting workshops through the month of November for our community members.   Please see the attached flyer for more details. 
Upcoming Dates to Put on Your Calendar Now:
September 12th……………College and Career Readiness Parent Presentation
September 12th……………Back to School / Curriculum Night
September 22nd………….. Homecoming Football Game
September 29th…………... Half Day of School

Have a great week and GO BLACKHAWKS!
Your Partner in Education
Daniel M. Stevens
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