BHS News and Updates

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News and Notes for Brandon High School for the Week of October 23, 2017
Senior College Application Week Information / Activities:
Many colleges will be waiving their college application fees if you apply this week.  Any senior that brings proof of a completed college application will be entered in a raffle to win a prize.
Thursday, October 26th we will do a college fair trip for seniors with over 30 colleges represented.  Get your permission slip in the Counseling Office
There will be a FAFSA Workshop at 6:00 at Brandon High School on Thursday, October 26th.  Please to to sign up.
Counselors will be in the Media Center all day on Friday, October 27th to help students complete their college applications and the Common Application.
9th Grade Vision Screening:  The Oakland County Health Department will be here this week to test all 9th grade student’s vision.  If you would like to opt out of this, please send written verification to Brandon High School.
Trick or Treating:  The Brandon High School Link Crew will be offering Trick or Treating for all elementary students on Monday, October 30th inside BHS from 6:00 – 8:00.  Bring your kids up and have a great time.
End of 1st Marking Period:  It is hard to believe that the end of the first marking period is November 3rd.  Please take some time to go on the Parent Portal and check your student’s grades to check their progress. 
After School Tutoring:  Does you student need a quiet place to do their homework after school with teachers and students that can help them?  Starting this week in room #207 and #213 we will have this available every Tuesday and Thursday.  Please urge your students to take advantage of this opportunity.
Upcoming Dates to Put on Your Calendar Now:
October 31st – Half Day of School
November 3rd – End of First Marking Period
October 24 – 25 – Challenge Day
November 7th – No School for all students
November 10th – Report cards come home
November 22 – 26 – Thanksgiving Break
Have a great week and GO BLACKHAWKS!
Your Partner in Education,
Daniel M. Stevens
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