BHS News and Notes

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Brandon High School News and Notes for the Week of February 5, 2018
Scheduling for Next Year:  The scheduling process for next year begins this week.  This would be a great time for all parents to sit down with their student to go over what classes they may want to take next year and beyond.  Please check out the BHS Course Catalog for a list of classes offered. 
Report Cards:  Due to a printing issue at Brandon High School, report cards will be handed out on Monday, February 5th instead of Friday as scheduled.  However, these semester grades can be accessed using both the parent and student portals over the weekend. 
Morning Drop Off:  As you drop off your students in the morning it would be much appreciated if you dropped them off in the West parking lot by the gymnasium and pool.  The loop up by the main entrance should be used for busses only and causes a safety risk with all of our students coming from the student parking lot into school.  Your attention towards this is much appreciated. 
DEEP Dual Enrollment Opportunity:  Sophomores and Juniors please see the attached letter and flyer about this great dual enrollment opportunity.  Next year you could take 12 credits worth of college credit from the University of Michigan Flint for under $2,000 while obtaining both high school and college credit.  See your counselor for more details.

SAT Preparation:  Brandon High School will be offering after school SAT preparation sessions starting in late February.  Please stay tuned for more information about this.  If you would like additional and/or individual prep we are attaching a flyer for Schollagiate that we have worked with in the past. 
Baseball:  There will be a brief, mandatory meeting for all high school boys planning to play baseball this spring on Tuesday Feb 6th, 2:25pm in the cafeteria.  Coach Ganfield will be here to deliver important information for the upcoming season.  Please make plans to attend!  Winter athletes will still have time to make it to their practices or contests.
Upcoming Dates to Put on Your Calendar Now:
February 13th…………..  8th Grade Expo Night (6:00)
February 13th…………..  All scheduling Cards Due
February 14th…………..  Official State Count Day
February 16th…………..  1/2 of School (release is at 10:35)
February 16th…………..  No School
February 20th…………..  NAEP Testing for Seniors
February 20th – 23rd……  Scheduling of Classes for Next Year
Have a Great Week and Go BLACKHAWKS!!!
Your Partner in Education
Daniel M. Stevens
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