Brandon e-News Update

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Brandon High School News and Notes for the Week of August 20, 2018
Welcome Back:  Please see the attached official Brandon High School Welcome Back Letter.  We are excited for another great school year!
Online Registration for All Students:  It is very important that every parent fill out the most up to date registration information for their students.  This needs to be done online by all parents before your student can attend registration days.  Please see the attached document for more information on how to accomplish this task.
Registration Dates:  Registration this year will be on August 21st for 10th and 12th grade students and on August 22nd for 9th and 11th grade students.  Both days will be from 8:00 – 3:00 with a lunch break between 11:00 – 12:00.  Registration will include receiving your class schedules, pictures being taken, purchasing parking permits and yearbooks, getting locker assignments, and being able to walk around the building to locate your classes.  Please be aware that if you have any kind of fines or owe money that you will not be allowed to participate in registration.
9th Grade Students:  On August 28th we will hold our annual Orientation day for all incoming 9th grade students from 8:00 – 12:00 starting in the gymnasium.  Please dress comfortably and there is nothing that you need to bring with you.
New Staff:  Please help me in welcoming some new staff members to Brandon High School this year:
Christina Wilk – Counselor (Students L-Z)
Christine Dodge – Band Director
Sheri Reamer – Media Clerk
Golf Outing:  Come out and have some fun while at the same time supporting our hockey team at this year’s golf outing which will be held on September 29th.  See the attached flyer for more details. 
Employment Opportunities:  Are you interested in working for the Brandon School District?  We have openings in many areas.  See the attached flyer for more details.
Twitter:  At Brandon High School we like to Tweet daily with pictures and information that is going on at BHS.  Please follow our administrative team to stay up to date with all things BHS.
Dan Stevens (Principal) - @BlackHawkPride
Dave Wyatt (Asst. Principal) – drwyatt01
Chris Deines (Athletic Director) - @BSDAthletics
Upcoming Dates to Put on Your Calendar Now:
August 21st …………..  Registration for 10th and 12th grade students
August 22nd………….   Registration for 9th and 11th grade students
August 23rd………….   First Varsity football game at Atwood Stadium
August 28th………….   9th Grade Orientation (8:00 – 12:00)
August 30th………….   First Home Football Game (7:00)
September 4th………..  First Day of School
September 11th………  College and Career Readiness Presentation for all parents (5:30)
September 24th………  Powder Puff Football Game
September 28th………  ½ Day of School
September 28th………  Homecoming Football Game
September 29th………  Homecoming Dance
Have a Great Week and GO BLACKHAWKS!
Your Partner in Education
Daniel M. Stevens
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