HSE Back to School News

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It's going to be a great year to be a Hawk!  We have had a lot of fun at our welcome back events.  Please watch our official Back to School video.  If you're short on time, watch this video, which contains important information about traffic and pick up procedures.

Please note that we have a new first bell time of 8:30, with an official start time of 8:35.  Dismissal is at 3:30.  

Follow us on Facebook by searching for "Harvey Hawk."  If you're a Twitter user, we are @harveyshawk.  We'll use #hawkpride and #otherpeoplematter throughout the year as well on our social media platforms.  

Feel free to email me with any questions at aphillips@brandon.k12.mi.us

We'll see everyone on Tuesday!

Mr. Phillips
HSE Principal

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