BMS Update

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BMS News & Notes
Parent Webinar: Here is the link to sign up for the BMS Parent Webinar.
Parent Webinar Registration

New Counselor: We are still in the process of hiring a new counselor. Please continue to be patient the 1st week of school while we process any schedule changes.

Supplies: Please provide your student with pens, mechanical pencil (preferably), and folders. Once school begins, the teachers will provide more specific lists.

New Math Teacher: BMS has added Angela Stover to our staff. Angela is from Harvey-Swanson and she's going to do an amazing job!

Schedules: Student Schedules will be available on Sunday, September, 6th 2020.

Water: The water fountains have been covered in plastic. However, the water bottle refill stations will continue to operate for student use. 
Food Service: It was announced late yesterday afternoon by the USDA that ALL students are eligible to receive free breakfast and lunch through December 2020. This includes Brandon Learn from Home and in person students. Please read the attached letter from service if you are a BLFH parent. 

Earbuds: Please provide your student with their set of earbuds/headphones. Teachers are going to have the students watch videos, listen to lectures, etc.. 

Physical Education: If your student has Physical Education we are recommending that your student bring sunscreen and water to school. All of our PE classes will be held outdoors.

Technology Deployment: If your student has a device that they are comfortable with then please have them bring it to school. If your student does not have a device one will be provided the 1st week of school. 

Teacher Websites: After student schedules are released this Sunday, please take a minute to look over the teachers websites. The teachers are putting very valuable and extremely useful back to school information. The following link will take you to our BMS Staff Directory. 
BMS Directory

Locker Instructions: For incoming 6th graders. I suggest purchasing a combination lock. Then your student can practice at home. I am also attaching a helpful sheet that we use here at BMS. 

Go Blackhawks!!!

Mike Tucker
Brandon Middle School

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