BMS News & Notes

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News & Notes

Last Day of School: We are having all six of our classes on our last day of school June 1th. Dismissal is at 10:45. The students are not allowed to bring their backpacks on the last day of school. Backpacks are not needed on our last day of school. We really appreciate your help with this in order to help keep our students safe. 
Yearbooks: Yearbooks will be distributed to BMS in-person students on Wednesday, June 16, during the school day. If you would like to purchase a yearbook, please email to have your student's name placed on a waiting list (first come, first served). If there are extra yearbooks available, students and parents will be notified in the order received. Yearbooks are $47.70 ($45 + 6% sales tax), and that can be paid in full by cash or check made payable to BMS on June 16 when yearbooks are delivered to students. Yearbooks will not be delivered unless the yearbook has been paid in full.  Yearbooks will be distributed to BLFH students by pick up at the I-Tec Center on specified dates/times. Please be on the lookout for a forthcoming email from the BLFH office (Mr. Wyatt and Mrs. Babb) with pickup details.

Camp Khan: Camp Khan is a FREE 31-day challenge for your children to complete 15-minutes of math each day from July 1st through July 31st. Our program will focus your child on the exact math skills that matter the most, setting them up for success in the next school year. After the 15 minutes of math are over and the device is tucked away, we’ll provide you with some fun activity ideas, boredom busters, and lots of chances to win cool prizes.
Camp Khan

BGYA: Please come and help support BGYA by going to Wojo's this weekend. The attached flyer has more details. 

This Week's Schedule:
Monday "A" Day Hours 2-4
Tuesday "B" Day Hours 5-7
Wednesday "A" Day Hours 2-4
Thursday "B" Day Hours 5-7
Friday "A" Day Hours 2-4

Go Blackhawks!!!!!!

Michael Tucker
Brandon Middle School
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