BMS - First Day

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BMS - First Day


​It was a great first day. Students found their classes and many learned how to organize their lockers so it doesn't jam. They were ready to go!

Questions to ask today:
  • What was the most interesting thing you learned today? 
  • Was there anyone new that you met and maybe invited to each at your lunch table?
  • What didn't go well today, but that you plan to try again tomorrow? How will you do that differently? Remind them that we learn best from our failures. 
These questions will hopefully help you get more out of your student than "How was your day?" with the response of "Fine". Communication is so important at this age. 

Parents, please do not drop off or pick up your child in the back parking lot by the gym. This is for buses only.  We have pick-up and drop-off loops on either side of the building. It is unsafe for students to walk through buses. 

Tina Chambers
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