BMS News & Notes

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News & Notes from BMS for the Week of May 8th, 2017
Spirit Day: Wednesday, May 10th,  - Dress for Success (OU visit)
Yearbooks: Parents/Guardians: Yearbooks will be here in less than one month! Students who ordered and paid for their yearbooks earlier in the year are guaranteed a yearbook.
There may be a limited availability for purchase when yearbooks arrive. While it's our desire that everyone have a yearbook, it is a pre-sale opportunity; however, Jostens has historically sent a small number of extras with the order. Currently, there is a waiting list for these extra books. If your student would like a yearbook, we encourage you to respond via email to Please include your name and contact phone AND your child's name and 1st hr. teacher. Extra yearbooks are based on availability from the company and are sold on a first come, first served basis. Yearbooks are $45.00.

Oakland University Visit: All of the 8th graders are going to visit Oakland University on Wednesday, May 10th. Please have your student dress up this day if possible. If your student only has jeans to wear please make sure that the jeans do not have holes in them. Your student can bring their own lunch or they can buy a lunch at the Pioneer Food Court.  This is a great chance for our students to visit a college campus. 

Math Matters: There is a free learning event to Oakland County parents. The topic is understanding 21st century mathematics and how families can support learning. Use the following link for more information. 
Have a great weekend and GO BLACKHAWKS!!
Michael Tucker

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