BMS News & Notes

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News & Notes from BMS for October 30th, 2017
Parent Help Group: There is a meeting for anyone who is interested in learning on how to help support our BMS Parent Help Group. The meeting is going to be on Thursday, November 2nd from 1:30-2:00 P.M. in the BMS Media Center.
Picture Retakes: Picture retakes have been rescheduled for Wednesday, November 1st.  Pictures must be preordered.  You may order your student’s pictures ahead of time on the HR Imaging website.  Here is the link:
 Picture Retake Link
If you are not able to order online, please have your student pick up an order form from Student Services, forms are on the counter.  They must bring the preorder form and payment with them on November 1st.  You will need to order online after November 1st if you do not preorder.
Homework Club: Homework Club is cancelled for Wednesday, November 1st.
6th Grade Camp Pickup: Parents of 6th graders that went to camp please pick up your student promptly at 6:00 P.M. in the BMS gym. Park in the back lot and go into the gym to pick up your student.
Half Day of School: Tuesday October 31st is a half day of school. Dismissal is at 10:55 A.M.
End of the 1st Marking Period: Friday, November 3rd is the end of our 1st marking period. Please check Parent/Student Connect to make sure that your student has all of their assignments completed. It’s hard to believe that our school year is 25% over. Time flies.
Lost & Found: We have several items currently in our lost and found. We have lunch boxes, sweatshirts, water bottles, and other various items. If these items are not picked up Wednesday, November 1st they will be donated to charity.
If you have any questions about the above stated items please contact our main office at 248-627-1800.
Have a great day and GO BLACKHAWKS!!
Michael Tucker

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