BHS News and Notes

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Brandon High School News and Notes for the Week of January 14, 2019
Exam Schedule:  First semester final exams are worth 20% of a student’s overall semester grade.  See the attached flyer with next week’s exam schedule. 
9th Grade Cocoa and Cram:  This Wednesday, January 16th, from 3:00 – 5:00 all freshmen are asked to stay after school from 3:00 – 5:00 to study for their upcoming exams.  There will be upperclassmen and teachers here to help them prepare.  Hot cocoa and cookies will also be served.  See the attached flyer for more details.
Vaping:  Vaping has become rampant among teenagers across the country.  Please see the attached bewildering statistics on this epidemic.  Brandon High School is committed to educating our students about this critical topic. 
½ Day of School:  This Friday, January 18th is a half day of school.  School will let out at 10:35 on this day.  There is no school at all on Monday, January 21st.
Counseling Office Notes:
The DEEP Program is a dual enrollment partnership between Brandon High School, U of M Flint, and Clarkston High School.  Students in the DEEP Program take UM-Flint classes conveniently located at Clarkston High School.  There are four programs to choose from: Business, Health Sciences, Liberal Arts, and English/Humanities.  This is an opportunity to earn university credits at a heavily reduced price.  However, there is a cost to the family for this program.  Brandon’s contribution and discounted rates from UM-Flint cover the rest.  This is a great program for those who want a university experience in high school. 
An option to extend the DEEP program to get even more college credits is the Brandon Early College.  Brandon Early College is available for students who want to participate in the DEEP Program for junior year, senior year and continue on for a 13th year.  After the three years, students will have paid roughly half the normal cost and will have accumulated around 50 college credits.
There will be an Informational Night that will cover both the regular DEEP Program and the Brandon Early College option.  See the attached flyer for more details.
Upcoming Dates to Put on Your Calendar Now:
January 18th – ½ Day of School
January 21st – No School
January 22nd – 24th – ½ Days of School (Final Exams)
January 24th – End of 2nd Semester
January 25th – No School
February 1st – Report Cards Sent Home
February 15th – ½ Day of School
February 18th – No School
February 20th – 8th Grade Visits BHS / Parent Expo Night
February 22nd – Snowcoming Basketball Game
February 23rd – Snowcoming Dance
Have a Great Week and GO BLACKHAWKS!
Your Partner in Education
Daniel M. Stevens

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