BHS News and Notes

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News and Notes for Brandon High School for the Week of October 14, 2019
FAFSA OPENED for the 2020-21 school year on October 1st! - College-bound students will want to submit the FAFSA as soon as they are able, in order to be in line for as much financial aid as possible.  We will be hosting a FAFSA Workshop @ BHS on October 24th at 6:00 PM for anyone who could benefit from having a financial aid expert help guide them through the FAFSA.
Haunted Hallways:  This year we are organizing a free and safe trick-or-treating event in the Ortonville-Brandon Community; “Haunted Hallways.”  We estimate that we will host several hundred elementary aged children on Monday, October 28th, the date of our event.  We, at Brandon High School have taken up this cause on behalf of our district’s children, but we need your help.  Attached you will find our flyer advertising for the event, as well as a donation letter.  Any help that you could provide would be greatly appreciated!  If you have any questions please feel free to contact Dave Wyatt at or at 248-627-1820.
Seniors:  Senior portraits are due to Mrs. Kelsey on November 1! It's your senior year - make sure you are in the senior section of the YEARBOOK!!! Also, seniors need to turn in their KINDERGARTEN pictures on November 1st as well!  The yearbook still has room for senior ads! See a yearbook staff member or Mrs. Kelsey for details. Order forms are available in room 230 and in the main office, as well as online.
Juniors:  Juniors that signed up will be taking the NMSQT test on Wednesday this week.  Please make sure that they get a good night’s sleep the night before and eat a good breakfast in the morning.  Good luck to all!
GM Strike:  Is the General Motors strike causing undo hardships on your family?  Your students may qualify for our free and reduced lunch program during this time.  Please see the attached letter for more information.
BGYA:  The Brandon Groveland Youth Assistance is hosting “Safe Talk” for the community. This  is a training program for suicide prevention and is open to anyone over the age of 15.  Please take advantage of this opportunity to save a life.  Please see the attached flyer for more details. 
Upcoming Events to Place on Your Calendar Now:
October 16th – NMSQT / PSAT testing for Juniors
October 24th – FAFSA Parent Workshop
October 31st – ½ Day of School
November 1st – End of 1st Marking Period
November 5th – Election Day!  No School.
November 8th – Report Cards Sent Home
November 11th – 12th – Cap and Gown Orders Due
November 13th – ASVAB Test
November 19th  - Sophomores go to the Oakland Technical Center
November 21st – Challenge Day
November 27th – December 1st – Thanksgiving Recess
Have a Great Day and GO BLACKHAWKS!
Your Partner in Education,
Daniel M. Stevens
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