BHS News and Notes

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News and Notes for Brandon High School for the Week of November 11, 2019
Report Cards:  Report cards were sent home Friday, November 8th with your student.  These grades can also be accessed online through the Parent Portal.  If you have any questions regarding your student’s grades, please see your child’s individual teachers. 
Cap and Gown Orders Due:  Seniors! All cap and gown, ring, announcement orders, etc… are due this week.  Herff-Jones will be here during all lunches on Monday and Tuesday to receive orders and answer questions.  Please refer to the senior packet that you received last week. 
Oakland Technical Campus:  On November 19th all sophomores will be attending a trip to the Oakland County Technical Campus to see all of the amazing programs that they have to offer.  Students may elect to attend these programs during their Junior and Senior years.  Please click HERE to find out more information about the programs they offer.  Have some conversation with your students about whether these programs are right for them.
Charity Week:  This year the Brandon Student Council will be collecting money for the Alliance for the Great Lakes as part of Charity Week.  Please see the attached flyer if you are interested in donating money to this worthy cause.  All those that donate will be recognized on a banner in our high school gymnasium. 
Challenge Day:  Once again this year on November 21st, BHS will be offering our students to attend Challenge Day.  This truly has been a life altering experience for our students, staff, and community members that have been a part of this.  Please encourage your student to sign up for this amazing experience.    Please click HERE for the Challenge Day website to get more information and see a promotional video.   The Challenge Day permission slip is attached.  This is limited to the first 100 students that sign up. 
Winter Travel:  Please make sure that your students allow themselves extra time to get to school during the Winter months when the roads could potentially be slippery or hazardous. 
Internet Safety:  Please join the Brandon Groveland Youth Assistance, and the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office for an informational night surrounding the topic of Family Internet Safety.  This November 20th event is a must come to if you have children.  Please see the attached flyer for more information.
College Prep Exam Information:  The Barnes & Noble at the Village of Rochester Hills is excited to share that The Princeton Review will provide an informational session about the College Prep Exams, SAT & ACT in-store.  Please join us on Sunday, November 17th at 1PM for the opportunity to get all your questions answered.  This a great way for parents and students to learn more about the differences of each test, the misconceptions and begin a plan on how and when to prepare for these exams together.  See the attached flyer for more details. 
Upcoming Events to Place on Your Calendar Now:
November 11th – 12th – Cap and Gown Orders Due
November 11th – Winter sports begin
November 13th – ASVAB Test
November 19th  - Sophomores go to the Oakland Technical Center
November 21st – Challenge Day
November 27th – December 1st – Thanksgiving Recess
December 9th – December 13th – Charity Week
December 21st – January 1st – Winter Break
January 2nd – School Resumes
Have a Great Day and GO BLACKHAWKS!
Your Partner in Education,
Daniel M. Stevens
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