BHS News and Notes

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News and Notes for Brandon High School for the Week of January 20, 2020
Final Exams:  Final exams are this week.  Please see the schedule below.  Good luck to all of our students. 
January 20th (No School)
January 21st (Regular Day of School – No Seminar)
January 22nd (Exams hours 1-2)
January 23rd (Exams hours 3-4)
January 24th (Exams hours 5-6)
Cocoa and Cram:  On January 21st there will be a special session for all freshmen to help them prepare for their final exams.  This will be held from 3:00 – 5:00 with teachers and upper classmen helping guide students to be successful in all of their classes on their upcoming finals. 
2nd Semester Schedules:  Your student’s second semester schedules will be available through the parent and student portals starting Friday (January 24th) in the afternoon.  If you do not have access to these portals, your student can pick up a copy of their schedule in the Counseling Office on Monday (January 27th) morning.  Contact your student’s counselor if you have any questions.
Scheduling:  Scheduling for next year is right around the corner.  Please start to have some conversations with your student about what classes and programs that they may want to take next school year.  Please click on our course catalog for the many offerings, as well as the Oakland County Technical Campus’ website for other options. 
Upcoming Events to Place on Your Calendar Now:
January 20th – No School
January 21st – Cocoa and Cram (study sessions for freshmen exams)
January 22nd – 24th – ½ Day of School (Final Exams)
January 24th – End of Semester #1
January 27th – No School
January 31st – Report Cards Sent Home
February 12th – Official State Count Day
February 14th – ½ Day of School
February 17th – No School
February 22nd – Snowcoming Dance
February 25th – 8th Grade Visits BHS
February 25th – 8th Grade Expo Night
March 3rd – 6th – Scheduling for all Students for Next School Year
Have a Great Day and GO BLACKHAWKS!
Your Partner in Education,
Daniel M. Stevens
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