BHS News and Notes

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News and Notes for Brandon High School for the Week of November 9, 2020
This Week’s Schedule:
Monday – “A” Day (Hours 1-3)
Tuesday – “B” Day (Hours 4-6)
Wednesday – “A" Day (Hours 1-3)
Thursday – “B” Day (Hours 4-6)
Friday – “A" Day (Hours 1-3)
Picture Retakes:  Picture retakes are this Tuesday, November 10th.  All students that did not get an opportunity to have their picture taken earlier, or who would like a different picture, will be called down to have their pictures taken. 
COVID At Home Screening:  The Oakland County health Department has made some slight adjustments to their screening check list.  Please see the attached document and keep your student home if they are showing any of these symptoms. 
End of Marking Period:  This Friday, November 13th is the end of the first marking period.  Please check parent portal and make sure that you student has all of their work turned and completed.  Report cards will be coming home next Friday, November 20th. 
Suicide Prevention:  The Oakland County Suicide Prevention Task Force will be offering a prevention training for all that are interested on November 12th.  Please join us for this very important event by seeing the flyer for more details.
Dates to Place on Your Calendar Now:
November 10th – Picture Retakes
November 13th – End of Marking Period #1
November 20th – Report Cards Sent Home
November 25th – 29th – Thanksgiving Break
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to one of our school administrators.
Dan Stevens (BHS Principal) –
Dave Wyatt (BLFH Principal) –
Chris Deines (Athletic Director) –
Have a Great Week and Go Blackhawks!
Your Partner in Education
Daniel M. Stevens
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