BHS News and Notes

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News and Notes for Brandon High School for the Week of March 15, 2021
This Week’s Schedule:
Monday – “B” Day (Hours 4-6)
Tuesday – “A” Day (Hours 1-3)
Wednesday – “B” Day (Hours 4-6)
Thursday – “A” Day (Hours 1-3)
Friday – “B” Day (Hours 4-6)
Scheduling Cards Due:  Last week your student received information on how to fill out their scheduling cards both online and on a hard copy.  These scheduling cards are due by the end of the day on March 17th.  Please make sure that you go over your student’s schedule with them making sure it aligns with their college / career goals after high school.  Please see the Course Catalog for all classes that are offered at BHS.  We have also included an Accelerated Options sheet in this email with other scheduling options.
Seniors:  Herff-Jones will be here during all lunches on March 18th to distribute graduation announcements to any senior that ordered them.  Also, if you are still in need of ordering a cap and gown for graduation, call Herff-Jones at 734-725-5743.
Upcoming Testing:  April is the month when all mandatory standardized testing is administered across the State of Michigan.  This testing does include all Brandon Learn From Home students coming into Brandon High School on these days to complete this testing.  Please put the dates below on your calendars.
Tuesday April 13, 2021 – SAT testing for all Juniors and PSAT testing for all freshmen.  10th and 12th grade students will stay home and do asynchronous learning on this day.
Wednesday, April 14, 2021 – Work Keys testing for all Juniors and PSAT testing for all sophomores.  9th and 12th grade students will stay home and do asynchronous learning on this day.
Tuesday, April 20, 2021 – MSTEP testing for all Juniors.  This will be a regular school day of school for grades 9, 10, and 12. 
Juniors SAT Testing:  Juniors will be taking the SAT test on April 13th.  It is highly recommended that all Juniors spend some time preparing for this very important college entrance exam.  One of the best ways in which to prepare is by utilizing Khan Academy’s online practice sessions.  
Athletics:  Please see below for some important information from out Athletic Office. 
1. High School Spring Sports tryouts and practices will begin the week of March 22nd.  Athletes need to sign up in the Athletic Office (or email Mrs. Michal & Mr Deines) ahead of time.  Athletes must have a current MHSAA physical and athletic contract on file before they can begin practices.  Forms can be found on the athletic website, 
2. Attention Senior Athletes - Did your parents work in any Brandon Athletic concessions over the past 4 years??  If so, you may qualify for a Brandon All-Sports Booster- Michael Manor Scholarship!!  Stop by the Athletic Office to pick up an application.  Deadline to apply is April 15th.
3. Deputy Overall Scholarship - Any Senior planning to pursue a career as a 1st Responder (police officer, fire fighter, paramedic/EMT, nurse, etc) after high school is eligible to apply for the Deputy Overall Scholarship.  Applications are available in the Athletic Office and Counseling Office.  Deadline to apply is April 30th.  
Dates to Place on Your Calendar Now:                    
March 17th – Scheduling cards due for all students
March 26th – April 4th – Spring Break
April 5th – Return to School from Spring Break
April 13th – SAT (11th) and PSAT (9th) testing.  10th and 12th grade students stay home and do classes asynchronously. 
April 14th – Work Keys (11th) and PSAT (10th) testing 9th and 12th grade students stay home and do classes asynchronously.
April 16th – End of Marking Period 3      
April 20th – MSTEP testing for all Juniors
April 23rd – Report Cards Come Home
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to one of our school administrators.
Dan Stevens (BHS Principal) –
Dave Wyatt (BLFH Principal) –
Chris Deines (Athletic Director) –
Have a Great Week and Go Blackhawks!
Your Partner in Education
Daniel M. Stevens
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