Testing This Week!

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Testing Week at Brandon High School

Parents and Community Members:

This week is testing week for both the state of Michigan and Brandon High School.  It is very important that your student be in school this week to take part in mandatory state testing.  Please make sure that your student brings with them a calculator, multiple #2 pencils (Not mechanical), and a pictured ID.  Please remind them that cell phones, food and drink will not be permitted into the testing rooms.  

  • Regular school day for all students 9-12
  • PSAT Testing for all 9th and 10th grade students
  • SAT Testing for all 11th grade students
  • No school of seniors
  • Work Keys Testing for all Juniors
  • Regular school day for students in grades 9,10,12
  • MSTEP Testing for all Juniors
  • Regular school day for students in grades 9,10,12
  • Regular school day for all students grades 9-12
  • End of the 3rd Marking Period
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call myself or our Counseling Office.

Your Partner in Education,

Daniel M. Stevens

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