BHS News and Notes

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Brandon High School News and Notes for the Week of January 11, 2016
Parents and Community Members:
Snow Days:  In the event of a snow day or other school cancellation the Brandon School District will send out both an automated phone call and an Email to all parents notifying you.  You can also check local media outlets as well as local radio stations. 
Theater Class:  Did you know that BHS will be offering a Theater class next semester?  If your student is interested, make sure that they see their counselor as soon as possible to adjust their schedule.
No School:  Just a reminder that there will be no school on Monday, January 18th for all students.  Have a great long weekend!
Board of Education Month:  Brandon High School would like to officially say thank you to all of our current Board of Education members as part of Board of Education Month.  Thank you Debbie Brady, Lisa Kavalhuna, Diane Salter, John Chartier, Kevin McCllelan, Robert Eisiminger, and Chris Yuchasz for all the hard work you do for our community! 
Athletics:  There have been some amazing things going on in athletics recently.  Please consider joining us for a game, match or tournament.  See the attachment for this week’s schedule of events.
Final Exams:  Final Exams will take place on January 26th, 27th and 28th.  These days will also be half days with students being released at 10:40 am. 
Have a great week!
Your Partner in Education,
Daniel M. Stevens

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