Brandon e-News Update

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News and Notes From Brandon High School for the Week of February 1, 2016
Parents and Community Members:
MSTEP Testing:  All students across the state of Michigan in grades 3-8 and 11 participate yearly in MSTEP standardized testing.  The test this year will be administered to all Juniors on April 14th in the areas of Social Studies and Science.  Please click HERE or copy and paste the following video into your browser for more information on this test.  You could also visit their website at
Report Cards:  Semester report cards will be sent home this Friday with your student.  In addition to their report card, Seniors will receive their scores from last year’s MSTEP test and Juniors will receive their scores from this year’s PSAT test.  If you have any questions contact our Counseling Office.
Education Exploration / Business Expo:  Please mark your calendar for February 24th from 4:00 – 8:00 for our annual Education Exploration Night at Brandon High School.  New this year is that the Chamber of Commerce will be joining us for their annual Business Expo with 25-35 local vendors.  We hope to see you there!  See the attached flyer for more information.
School Counselors Week:  This week is National School Counselors Week!  Please help me in saying thank you to Mike Brennan and Jessica Stone who have done an amazing job for our students at BHS this school year.
Athletics:  Please join us sometime this week for a game, match, meet, or competition.  See the attachment for this week’s schedule of events.
New Semester:  It’s hard to believe that we are already half way through the school year.  Good luck to all students as they start their new semester and classes. 
Have a wonderful Week!
Your Partner in Education,
Daniel M. Stevens

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