BHS News and Notes

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News and Notes for Brandon High School for the Week of January 8, 2018
Yearbook:  This is your last chance to personalize the 2017-2018 BHS Yearbook.  Please see the attached flyer for more details.  All orders must be in by February 16, 2018
Final Exams:  Final exams are coming up January 23 – 25 for all classes.  These exams are worth 20% of your overall semester grade, so make sure your student has started studying now. 
Dress Warm:  Due to the variable temperatures outside it sometimes affects our room temperatures inside.  Please encourage your students to dress in layers for school.  Winter coats are not allowed to be worn throughout the school day. 
Teacher of the Year:  Please consider nominating one of our amazing teachers at BHS for teacher of the year consideration.  Please see the attached form which is due by January 19th.  
Principal’s Council:  Our next Principal’s Council Meeting is scheduled for January 16th at 6:00.  This is a forum for parents to meet with the high school administration and hear what is going on at BHS, give your feedback on how we can continually become better in all that we do, and help us with the school improvement process.  Please consider joining us on this night.
Scheduling:  Believe it or not we will be starting the scheduling process for next school year with our students in the upcoming weeks.  Now is a great time to sit down with them and have discussions about what classes they could and should be taking next year and beyond.  Encourage your student to meet with their counselor to have these discussions as well. 
Upcoming Events to Place on Your Calendar Now:
Dec. 15th…………….  No School
Dec. 16th…………….  Principal’s Council
Jan. 23 – 25…………. Final Exams (1/2 days of school)
Jan. 26th……………..  No School
Feb. 2nd……………… Report Cards Sent Home
Feb. 3rd………………  Homecoming Dance
Feb. 8th………………  Parent Standardized Test Results Meeting
Feb. 13th…………….  Scheduling Cards for Next Year Due
Feb. 13th…………….  8th Grade Expo.
Feb. 16th…………….  ½ Day of School
Feb. 19th…………….  No School

Have a Great Week and GO BLACKHAWKS!
Your Partner in Education
Daniel M. Stevens
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