BHS News and Updates

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Brandon High School News and Notes for the Week of February 26, 2018
SAT Prep:  SAT Prep starts Thursday this week from 2:45 – 4:00 in the Media Center.  All Juniors should take advantage of this very important opportunity.  Please see the attached schedule for upcoming dates and times.  Contact Mrs. Bombardo or Mrs. Olman if you have any questions. 
Community Education:  Please see the attached flyers for some important classes that you may want to be a part of.  These include learning CPR, and Self-Defense. 
Desserts Needed:  This Friday (March 2nd) we will be recognizing over 300 of our students who improved on their NWEA scores from Fall to Winter.  Every student will receive a homemade baked good during lunch to congratulate them.  If any parent would like to bring something in for this celebration it would be much appreciated.  You can drop it off anytime on Thursday, or before 10:30 on Friday.  Thank you so much!
Blackhawk Hotline:  Would you like to report something anonymously to the high school administration?  Please call or text 248-627-0138 any hour of the day. 
Congratulations:  Congratulations to counselors Mike Brennan and Jessica Stone who were named the February District Blackhawks of the Month.  We are so lucky to have them as part of the BHS team!
Upcoming Dates to Put on Your Calendar Now:
March 13th……………………..  Principal’s Council
March 20th……………………..  Parent / Teacher Conferences
March 23rd……………………..  No School
March 29th……………………..  ½ Day of School
March 30th – April 8th…………. Spring Break
April 10th……………………… SAT / PSAT Testing for grades 9-11
April 11th……………………… Work Keys Testing for 11th Grade
April 13th……………………… End of 3rd Marking Period
April 17th……………………… MSTEP Testing for 11th Grade
April 20th……………………… Report Cards Come Home
April 27th……………………… ½ Day of School
Have a Great Week and Go BLACKHAWKS!!!
Your Partner in Education
Daniel M. Stevens
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