BHS News and Notes

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Brandon High School News and Notes for the Week of March 5, 2018
Summer School:  Brandon High School will be offering a wide array of summer school classes this summer.  If your student is behind towards credits, please contact Nick Ejak at to discuss which classes that they should be taking.  Please look for the official summer school flyer to be coming out in the next couple of weeks.
SAT Preparation:  Our first SAT Prep session was an outstanding success.  If your student is a junior, we strongly suggest that they attend as many of these sessions as possible.  For planning purposes it would greatly help us out if you could sign up for these sessions HERE.  Also, see the attached flyer for more details.  Schoolegiate College Advisers also provides classes if you are interested in something outside of what BHS offers.
Foreign Exchange Student:  Are you interested in hosting a girl from the Czech Republic next year as a foreign exchange student?  If so, please contact Catherine McMullen at
A Cause for Joy:  There will be a benefit for Joy Burns on Sunday, March 11th at the Clarkston Eagles.  Please see the attached flyer for more details in helping this Brandon family. 
Principal’s Council:  Our next Principal’s Council will be March 13th at 6:00.  This is open to all parents.  The key conversational topic of the evening will be for us to discuss what classes, programs, or changes can we make at BHS to meet the needs of all or our students, and to attract new students.  We hope you are able to join us.  To be added to this email list, please contact Assistant Principal Dave Wyatt at
Upcoming Dates to Put on Your Calendar Now:
March 13th……………………..  Principal’s Council
March 20th……………………..  Parent / Teacher Conferences
March 23rd……………………..  No School
March 29th……………………..  ½ Day of School
March 30th – April 8th…………. Spring Break
April 10th……………………… SAT / PSAT Testing for grades 9-11
April 11th……………………… Work Keys Testing for 11th Grade
April 13th……………………… End of 3rd Marking Period
April 17th……………………… MSTEP Testing for 11th Grade
April 20th……………………… Report Cards Come Home
April 27th……………………… ½ Day of School
Have a Great Week and Go BLACKHAWKS!!!
Your Partner in Education
Daniel M. Stevens
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