BHS News and Notes

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News and Notes for Brandon High School for the Week of April 16, 2018
Juniors Testing:  This Tuesday, April 17th all students will participate in MSTEP testing.  Students with last names A-K will go in the morning and L-Z in the afternoon.
Report Cards:  The 3rd marking period is now over and all students will receive their report cards this Friday, April 20th.  These grades will also be able to be accessed online.  If you have any questions about your student’s grades, please contact the teacher directly.
Summer School:  We are currently signing all students up for summer school.  Please see the attached informational sheet that is attached.  Health and Physical Education classes are also being offered this summer for students that would like to get these credits out of the way early.  See Mr. Ejak at for more details about summer school. 
Suicide Prevention:  There are two opportunities for our students, parents, and community members to be trained in suicide prevention both on April 24th and May 1st.  Please see the attached flyer for more details. 
Dress Code:  As the weather starts to get warmer, please make sure that your students are following the BHS Dress Code.  Any student in violation of these rules will be asked to call their parents to bring them appropriate school attire or sent home.  The dress code can be found in our student handbook on page #35.  Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. 
Upcoming Dates to Put on your Calendar Now:
April 24th – 25th……………………..  SAT Make Ups
April 27th…………………………….  ½ Day of School
May 1st………………………………. Band Ice Cream Social
May 7th – 18th………………………..  Advanced Placement Testing
May 11th……………………………..  PROM at Lapeer Country Club
May 14th……………………………..  Drug / Opioid Community Presentation
May 15th……………………………..  Honors Convocation for Seniors
May 16th……………………………..  Choir Concert
May 17th……………………………..  Band Concert
May 22nd – 24th……………………… Exams for all Seniors
May 24th…………………………......  Seniors Last Day of School
May 25th……………………………..  ½ Day of School
May 28th……………………………..  No School
June 6th………………………………  Senior Walk / Breakfast
June 8th………………………………  Graduation
June 13th – 15th………………………  ½ Days of School for Exams
June 15th……………………………..  Last Day of School
Weeks of June 18th, June 25th and July 9th………..  Summer School
Have a Great Week and Go BLACKHAWKS!!!
Your Partner in Education
Daniel M. Stevens
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